In the forest of memory

In the forest of memory

In the forest of memory

In the forest of memory

In the forest of memory

W lesie pamięci
Mum an my brother at the seaside, Rabka, circa 1983

I called this exhibition In The Forest of Memories.
Entering the woods you access the images stored in my mind. Tell me what you see?

I want you to meet my ghosts. They are the people closest to me, the places from my childhood. Their essence is always present. We coexist side by side in our daily routine.

My mother passed away but I can still feel her near. She walks behind me. I can no longer see her… I paint her the way I remember her; from the images engraved in my memory. I want to capture them no to let them vanish… Painting is my way of mourning.

"In The Forest of Memory" is a project that I started to work on soon after my mother died out of cancer. After a year break from my school in New York during which she was sick I returned to the States to finish on my diploma. Initially I had intended to graduate with The Lost Generation project. But it became obvious to me that my mother and my childhood memories will be the only right subject to paint during my grieving process. It was a very difficult time but creating those images helped me go through it.

The moments captured in my paintings are familiar to me thanks to the photographs. To recall them I have to recreate them from a scratch. I am in control. I make people and places immortal. They become captured in the moment. I make my presence by looking at the past. I imagine being there. I try to make my images as genuine as possible; but they stay subjective, they intertwine with my feelings and memories. My paintings are symbolic and sacral to me.

My mind is in chaos; I paint to make an order. I reincarnate the past with the pain of my loss. To escape the reality I enter the woods; my memory of moments and details. I pick them like flowers. I am in a trans; I contemplate the nature of time. I paint to stop the time that passed. I paint to recall what I have come to know. Doing so I am an observer of human evanescence. I am building up an Alter to kneel in front of. I dedicate it to those who I have loved the most. I am searching for them all over again in the woods of my remembrance. I am climbing the trees of moments, trying to go beyond. What are we the most afraid of? Loosing? Being? Progressing? Staying in one place? Dying? I am the most afraid of the passage of time. It’s my obsession to fight it. All what happened imprints the present. There is no beginning, and there is no end. I document that. Now for a brief moment imagine wandering in the woods. Do you see that little girl? Stay with me, do you see your own forest of memories?

In the forest of memory, 160 × 200 cm, oil on canvas, 2015
Careless, 180 × 200 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
Sacra Conversazione, 140 × 150 cm, oil on canvas, 2014
My mum and me at the Datcha, Grzegorzewo, circa 1990
My parents weeding day, Warsaw, 1979
Madonna dell'uovo, 100 × 150 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
My first candle, 80 × 80 cm, oil on canvas, 2015
Annonciation, 140 × 150 cm, oil on canvas, 2014
Me with my brother, Karwia, circa 1989
Brotherhood, 100 × 120 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
There was a boy, 110 × 130 cm, oil on canvas, 2014